Category: News

Title: Anna Deeny Morales, Ph.D., Latest Publication

Dr. Anna Deeny Morales is a literary critic and translator and an adjunct professor at the Center for Latin American Studies. She received her doctoral degree from the University of California, Berkeley. On October 2016, Northwestern University Press published Dr. Deeny’s latest translation, a book of poems written by Raul Zurita titled Sky Below: Selected Works.

“In her powerful and useful introduction to these poems, Anna Morales reminds us of the specific historical events that generated Zurita’s poetry. These need to be known. ‘To be disappeared’ is to be taken away to another piece of the earth, a particular place, and hidden there. In Chile Pinochet and a population gone blood-mad did this. ‘To disappear’ is to die into God. Zurita studies this difference. His marvelous poetry, as such, is a work of mystery.”

—Fanny Howe, author of Come and See and Second Childhood

Dr. Morales is currently writing a book titled Other Solitudes, which considers transamerican dialogues on consciousness and poetry.